The TBO Idea

As I was going through life scanning the daily news, time and time again I would get exhausted, reading through all of the negativity in our world.

At some point, I realized that most of our sources of news were focussed on the dramatic.  Dramatic that promoted negative thoughts about our society.

I determined that I badly needed a place of positivity.  I needed a place where all sources of news were positive, without question.  A place that would, at the very least, make me smile, and even make me laugh about life once in a while.  It doesn’t take much, just some focus on the positive and happier times of life.

Why Blue?  It’s a warm, calming colour.

Why Otter?  Have you ever watched an otter playing in the water and not smiled?

And for that, TheBlueOtter was born. A place to make you smile.